Today is Sunday, September 08, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
Your screen resolution is

Menu doesn't work.

Menu requires javascript. If it doesn't work, you probably didn't install javascript on your computer. At the bottom of each page of ecranplus, you can find a link leading to official javascript website, so that you can download and install it. This ressource will anyway be useful to you for nearly all sites on the web.

Pages do not appear correctly.

Your browser version might be to old, or your browser is not compatible. This site is optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher. It also works almost perfectly with firefox 1.5 or higher. Update your browser.

There is no thumbnail on pages.

You locked the use of "cookies". Ecranplus records browsing parameters in cookies. Unlock cookies (refer to you browser user guide).

When I click on thumbnails, nothing happens.

Great sized pictures open a new browser windows. Should this window not open, your "no pop-up" settings are too high. Review these settings, so that it locks adds, but not the windows YOU wish to open !

Non member visitors

How can I set a picture as wallpaper ?

Refer to "Help".

How can I have access to high resolution pictures ?

Only members have access to high resulotion pictures. High-res pictures requires much storage space, so only few websites propose some. We do not want to provide all the web with high-res pictures !

How can I change my wallpaper automatically ?

You'll need a wallpaper manager software. You can find some at the "useful links" page.
Download the pictures you want to, and declare them in your wallpaper manager.

Why should I become a member ?

Refer to page Advantages for members only.

I need to give my e-Mail address to sign-in as member. I fear to be spammed.

No ! We never use e-Mail addresses for adds or commercial offers. We do not sell or rent adresses. The only thing you will receive is our newsletter, to inform you when new updates are on line, or some personal mail if we need to contact you (about a contribution for instance).

Members and contributions

Why all pictures are not available in high resolution ?

It is not reasonable to increase the size of a picture from the original size. Quality would be disastrous. Maximum size we propose depends on riginal size of the photo. Anyway more and more of new pictures we add are available in high resolution as digital cameras with 4 megapixel or more become more frequent.

What shoukd I do if picture resolution does not fit my screen resolution?

Refer to help.

I lend my computer to someone else, what should I do ?

Just click the "Log-out" button on the Home page, or choose the same in the menu. If you frequently lend your computer, we suggest that you unchack "Memorize" when you log in.
Anyway, even if you forget to do so, it is not really important as password will always be required to modify settings.

Can other visitors have access to my favourites album ?

No, you are the only one to have access to your favourites album.

I sent a picture, it does not appear on the site.

This is completely normal. Pictures you send as contribution do not go directly on the site. We receive them, and decide to publish them or not. If we agree to publish them, they will integrate a next update, according our updtes planning. So it might take a few days, or sometimes a few weeks before your picture is published on the site.
If you want to publish immediatly your photos on the web, we suggest that you sign in our partner site, renderosity (link at the bottom of each page). But please, do not forget to send your picture to ecranplus as well !

Contribution I sent has been published, but does not appear in my contributions album.

You forgot to log-in before you sent the picture.

Since you publish my contribution, I receive mails from visitors of EcranPlus.

This depends on settings you made. If you want to, you can modify this setting. To the question "Who is allowed ton contact you by mail", reply "Members only" or even "Nobody".

I gave my homepage URL when I signed in, but it does not appear on my contributions album.

We reserve the right not to publish an URL, if we consider the site does not correspond to our quality standards.

Others questions

If you have any other question, do not hesitate to contact us ( Ecranplus > Credit / Contact / Contribute> Contact / Contribute )

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© Ecran+Plus 2006 - Reproduction forbidden - All rights reserved - All photos are Copyrighted and remain exclusive property of their authors.
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